Diane Marshall serves as the new Associate Dean of Curriculum and Instruction

Posted: June 29, 2012
Dear colleagues,
I am delighted to announce that Professor Diane Marshall of the Department of Biology has agreed to serve as the new Associate Dean for Curriculum and Instruction in the College of Arts and Sciences. Diane presently serves as the Director of the Minority Access to Research Careers Program, a $2 million dollar five year grant funded by NIH and recently served as Academic Advisor for the Initiatives to Maximize Student Diversity program. She has also served as Academic Program Review Coordinator, Director of Curriculum Implementation, Undergraduate Advisor, and Associate Chair in Biology. From 1996-1999, Diane coordinated student outcomes assessment for UNM. Her work on plant mating systems has earned hundreds of thousands of dollars in federal funding, been published in well-recognized journals, and provided opportunities to closely mentor nearly a hundred undergraduate or graduate students in her research program. Please join me in welcoming Diane to the College offices starting Monday, July 2.
Mark Mark Peceny
College of Arts and Sciences