Retention, Promotion and Tenure (RPT) Information

Lecturer promotion
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The authoritative text for faculty is the Faculty Handbook. The Handbook spells out university-wide guidelines for renewal (mid-probationary review), tenure with promotion, and promotion to professor, and also contains policies for Post-Tenure Review. The College follows the guidelines and policies found in Section B4: Faculty Reviews.

Questions concerning the review process that cannot be answered by the Department Chair should be referred to the appropriate Area Associate Dean

Retention, Promotion & Tenure Review Process 

The College follows the RPT Guidelines issued by the Provost. (Rev. 8.2024)

Each Unit will have performance standards reflective of expectations in the discipline. These standards are made available to new faculty at the time of appointment. The Unit Head's responsibility is to help the candidate develop the file, to follow department and university procedures for conducting reviews, to accurately summarize the results of the departmental review, and finally, to provide her/his own evaluation and recommendation on each case. In the case of a negative finding at any level, the candidate has an opportunity for appeal. Consult the Faculty Handbook Appeal Process for more information.

The Unit Administrator works with faculty on the details of organizing the file. After the file is submitted to the College office, it is evaluated by a committee of five to seven faculty broadly representative of the disciplines in Arts & Sciences. There are typically four such committees: a senior committee, which reviews the promotion to full professor cases; a junior committee, which reviews the  promotion with tenure cases; a retention committee, whichreviews Mid-Pro cases;  and a fourth committee which reviews the cases for promotion to Senior and Principal Lecturer. Each file is also evaluated by the appropriate Area Associate Dean. The Dean, after taking all these reports and the documents in the file into consideration, makes the College recommendation on the case. The file then is submitted to the Provost for the final series of reviews.

RPT Timeline for AY 2024-25  

Research Faculty Promotion

Promotions of research faculty are conducted at the department level. They do not go through RPT system and do not require the College or Provost level review.  At minimum, the process should involve external reviewers, reviews by department faculty and a vote, as well as a Chair’s recommendation letter. The Dean will evaluate the promotion request after departmental-level review is complete.

Requests for Early Decision

To begin, read this memo from the Senior Vice Provost about how to manage shortened tenure clocks. When an assistant professor requests that his/her probationary period be reduced and the mid-probationary or tenure review accelerated, the Chair must complete a Contract Modification Letter.  Once signed by the Chair and the candidate, the letter is sent to the Dean and then to the Provost.  All approvals must be obtained before the candidate submits a dossier for early decision.

Post-Tenure Review

In addition to the general guidelines in the Faculty Handbook, each Department has developed a set of performance expectations for tenured faculty reflective of the expectations in the discipline. Annual reviews of tenured faculty must be shared with the faculty member and he/she has an opportunity for appending additional information to the Chair’s review and for appealing an annual review to the Dean.  Consult the Handbook for information on the appeal process.