General Information for Chairs/Directors

Download: Current list of College of A&S Chairs and Directors and DAs (updated 12.6.2023)

Policies and Guidelines

College of A&S Bylaws (Approved May 2024)
College of A&S Faculty Transfer Guidelines (Memo from Senior Associate Dean)
Faculty Department Transfer Process (Provost's memo, 10.2021)
Emerita/Emeritus status requests: Send directly to Shirley Rey Lovato
An RPT Resources page is available in the Chairs & Directors' dropdown


Annual Events, Deadlines, & Meetings

The Annual A&S Chairs and Directors' Retreat is typically held on the last Wednesday before Fall classes begin. The AY 2024 Retreat was held on Wednesday, August 16, 2023.

The New A&S Chairs and Directors' Orientation is typically held the week before the Annual Retreat. This year's  important training, required for all College Unit Heads beginning their terms in AY2024, was held on August 8 and 9, 2023. Contact Karen Roberts for more information.

Download the current deadlines (rev. 11.2.23) and meeting schedule (rev. 2.26.24) here or from the blocks above.

For copies of notes from monthly A&S Chairs and Directors' meetings, contact Karen Roberts. 


Faculty Senator nominations

 The A&S selection process is described here. 

Chairs & Directors are to send the names of their nominees and the procedures used to select them to Karen Roberts at The procedures will document how the nominees’ names were put forward and how the unit faculty approved of their candidacy for service on the Faculty Senate. 

Nominees must send a one-paragraph statement outlining their motivation to serve on the Faculty Senate to by the deadline specified in separate communication to unit heads. These statements will be included in the College-wide Faculty Senator Voting Ballot, which will be active during latter part of Fall Semester.