Christian Koops receives Alumni Association Award for Faculty Teaching

Christian Koops

Posted: February 1, 2019

Christian Koops, Ph.D., associate professor in the Department of Linguistics, has been awarded one of the prestigious Winter 2019 awards bestowed by the UNM Alumni Association.

He received his Ph.D. in linguistics from Rice University in 2011. His research spans variationist sociolinguistics, the study of social variation in dialects, specifically sociophonetics. He is especially interested in language and dialect contact phenomena, such as the segmental and suprasegmental features of Spanish-influenced varieties of English as well as other ethnic varieties of North American English.

Koops teaches at several learning levels and is known to be a dedicated instructor and mentor to many students within the Linguistics Department. In addition to in-classroom projects, Koops regularly collaborates on research projects with students, giving them a chance at post-graduation success. He commits long hours and energy ensuring his students will benefit from learning both in and out of the classroom.