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South Sudan: Can Africa's Newest Nation Ever Achieve Peace and Prosperity

South Sudan: Can Africa's Newest Nation Ever Achieve Peace and Prosperity [article image]

When: Thu, Oct 17 2019 5:30pm  - Thu, Oct 17 2019 6:30pm 

Where: Student Uunion Building (Fiesta A/B)

Join us for a presentation on “South Sudan: Can Africa's Newest Nation Ever Achieve Peace and Prosperity?” by former U.S. Ambassador and Council on Foreign Relations fellow Mark Asquino. Since independence, Sudan has been split by civil war and sectarian violence between the Northern and Southern regions of the country. In 2011, South Sudan gained independence from the North but soon fell victim to political in-fighting and violence. In his talk, Mark Asquino, an expert on nation-building, explores the prospects for lasting peace and stability in South Sudan.

The Fall 2019 Series is supported in part by a grant from the New Mexico Humanities Council, the National Endowment for the Arts and the University of New Mexico World Affairs Delegation