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Pathways to Peace

Pathways to Peace [article image]

When: Tue, Mar 03 2020 9:30am  - Tue, Mar 03 2020 1:45pm 

Where: 103 Education Building and SUB Lobo A&B

The International Studies Institute welcomes Dr. Yael Aronoff as the first presenter its Spring Lecture Series in Contemporary Jewish Studies.  Dr. Aronoff is the Director of the Jewish Studies Program at Michigan State University, as well as the Michael and Elaine Serling & Friends Chair of Israel Studies and Associate Professor at James Madison College.

Join Dr. Aronoff as he presents "Third Time's the Charm? Analyzing the Israeli Election" on Tuesday, March 3, 9:30 - 10:45 am in Education Building room 101.

Shortly after, he will present "Pathways to Peace: The Legitimation of a Two-State Solution" from 12:30 - 1:45 pm in the Student Union Building, Lobo A&B rooms.