Lecturer Review and Promotion

Per the terms of the UA-UNM Collective Bargaining Agreement, the standard promotion timeline to the rank of Senior Lecturer shall be 5 years. The standard promotion timeline to the rank of Principal Lecturer shall be 11 years.  Years of service at another institution will count towards this experience as long as the service performed was in line with a Lecturer position.

The promotion process includes a review and recommendation by the Unit, followed by a review and recommendation by the College, and ultimately, approval by the Provost.

Faculty Handbook Section B3.3 also mentions a more specific annual review in the third year for continuing lecturers. This is equivalent to a mid-probationary review for Assistant Professors in that the lecturer should be reviewed for progress toward a two-year term appointment and toward the rank of Senior Lecturer.

The College follows the RPT Guidelines issued by the Provost. (Rev. 8.2024)


Document Administrator Resources: 

Department Reviewers

Materials required by the College for Lecturer promotion consideration:

From the Candidate:

  1. Curriculum Vitae (in College format)
  2. Teaching portfolio (for details, see the Teaching Portfolio Rubric)
  3. Teaching Record, to include:
  4. Course Materials (separate out of Teaching Portfolio)
  5. Research Statement (optional)
    • While research is not required of lecturers, engagement in significant scholarship should be part of the record.
  6. Service Statement
  7. List of Supplemental Materials

From the Unit Administrator

  1. A minimum of three annual review letters
  2. Faculty/committee confidential recommendation forms from each evaluator
  3. Summary of Departmental Vote
  4. The Chair’s or Director's letter with recommendation on promotion
    • This letter must explain the contribution of the lecturer to the department’s teaching mission and take into account the materials above and the departmental vote.

General Timetable

  • Complete file must be submitted to the Arts and Sciences office by mid-Feburary.
  • A committee of faculty, including lecturers, from across the College will review the files and make a recommendation to the Dean by mid-March.
  • The Dean will make her recommendations to the Provost by March 30.
  • The Provost will send decision letters by June 30.

Negative decisions

  • A negative decision by the Department or the College will be communicated to the Lecturer within 5 business days of the decision.
  • The lecturer will be given a copy of this decision and will then have 10 business days to appeal this decision.
  • The lecturer may request redacted copies of evaluations to aid in preparing an appeal.
  • If a negative decision is sustained, procedures outlined in the Faculty Handbook will apply.