A&S Scholarship Program
Arts & Sciences Scholarships for academic year 2024-2025 have concluded. Check back in the spring of 2025 for 2025-2026 scholarship opportunities.
2024-2025 A&S Scholarship application update: Students will receive an email update from the scholarship coordinator in October. Thank you for your patience.
Contact Information for Arts & Sciences Scholarships
Questions and inquiries regarding Arts & Sciences scholarships can be directed to the scholarship coordinator, Alice Hollow Horn at asawards@unm.edu.
Additional Funding
Main Campus students who have a declared first or second major in an A&S academic program should contact that program for additional scholarship opportunities.
General/Academic Year Scholarships
For any A&S major
Criteria: GPA of at least 2.0, student may be part-time or full-time.
Fall, 2023-2024 Recipients

Monica Allen

Paola Blanco Parra
Criminology / Spanish

Valeria Brenes
Psychology / Human Services

Mark Campbell
History & Latin American Studies

Brittany Chavez
Psychology and Criminology

Adriana Chavez
English / Philosophy

Erica Davalos
Earth and Planetary Sciences / Museum Studies

Cruz Davis-Martinez
Art Studio / Art History / Psychology

Dario Del Castillo
Chemistry & Philosophy / Biology

Steven Delgado
Biology & Sociology/Chemistry

Chelsea Diaz
Psychology / Human Services

Danielle Gallegos
Communication & Journalism

Sarah Goldberg
Anthropology / Religious Studies

Melissa Gomez
Criminology / Sociology

Heather Gruber

Kylie Hanson
Sociology, Pre-law and Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies

Sarah Herrera
Psychology / Communications

Kamryn Johnson
Psychology / Africana Studies

Haely Katt
Statistics / Population Health

Isabella King
Biology / Psychology

James Martinek
Foreign Languages Literatures / Classical Studies

Chandelle Mays
Linguistics / American Sign Language / Psychology

Bree McCash
International Studies & Political Science / Management

Ralph Meyers
Linguistics / Biology

Antonia Mondragon
Psychology / Human Services

Aja Nez
Biology / Anthropology

Naserian Olemako
International Studies & Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies

Kendra Padilla
Biochemistry / Art

Hasti Patel
Biology / American Sign Language

Nicole Pelt
Native American Studies / Navajo Language & Linguistics

Liam Pohlmann
Nuclear Engineering & Mathematics

Samantha Ramirez
English /Theatre

Betsy Ramsell
Psychology / Human Services

Reyes Reynaga
Chicana and Chicano Studies / Honors Interdisciplinary Liberal Arts (Philosophy)

Kayleigh Russell
Signed Language Interpreting & Psychology / Navajo

Neema Sadeghi
Psychology / Sociology

Madison Shindler
Earth and Planetary Sciences

Amy Sifuentes
Psychology / Communication

Natasha Somoza
Psychology / Art

Jordyn Suber
International Studies / Linguistics

Tierney Thomas
Psychology / Communication

Ariadna Torres
Spanish / Spanish & Portuguese

Tiana Valdez
Psychology / Sustainability Studies
Enrollment in the areas of English, Modern and Classical Languages, Philosophy, American Studies or History.
- Declared major in one of the above areas of study
- Demonstrated academic achievement (3.0 or better GPA)
- Selection shall not be based on sex, race, religion, color, national origin, or residence
Scholarship may be awarded to the same student in successive semesters provided the recipient is making satisfactory academic progress toward a degree and maintaining a 3.0 or better GPA. The award may be used to pay for tuition, books, fees and other charges required by the University of New Mexico.
Fall, 2023-2024 Recipients

Adriana Chavez
Chicano & Chicana Studies, English
Applies to any A&S major
Must maintain at least a 2.0 GPA, be enrolled full-time.
Fall, 2023-2024 Recipients

Genesis Garcia
Communications / Psychology
This scholarship is designed to support outstanding female undergraduates who intend to pursue graduate study in the sciences. This scholarship offers $2000 each fall and spring semester and a $2000 summer stipend each year for up to two years, a total of $12,000. This scholarship intends to support students who seek careers as scientists (not as medical doctors).
- Female students who are completing their sophomore year of study and have two years remaining before graduation.
- Candidates must be majors in Biology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Earth and Planetary Sciences, Physics, or Math.
- Candidates must have an overall GPA of at least 3.3 and a GPA of at least 3.5 in math and science courses.
- Students may be nominated by faculty or may nominate themselves.
- Full-time (at least 12 credit hours)
Application materials:
- Unofficial transcripts
- Curriculum Vitae
- Letter of intent (up to two pages) that clearly states their interest in a professional career in science.
- Two letters of reference from faculty members or individuals who are familiar with the applicant’s academic record.
Fall, 2023-2024 Recipients

Alexis Craig
Astrophysics / German

Pelagia Eddings
Physics / Biophysics

Murphy John
Applied Mathematics & Statistics

Elise Rodriguez
Anthropology & Geography
For students who have demonstrated an interest and have background in conflict resolution, transformation and peacemaking. Majors include but not limited to: Political Science, Africans Studies, Anthropology, Religious Studies, Women Studies, International Studies, and American Studies (Peace Studies).
Full or part time, grad or undergrad, financial need-based, “good” academic standing, Preference given to Political Science majors, or any A&S major.
Fall, 2023-2024 Recipients

Bibek Acharya
Political Science

Margaret Avera
Political Science
Applies to all A&S majors.
- Current GPA of at least 2.5 to maintain eligibility.
- Be students returning to higher education after an absence of at least a year.
- Taking at least 9 credit hours to maintain eligibility.
Fall, 2023-2024 Recipients

Bevans Burke
Psychology / Music
Applies to any A&S major.
The recipients of this scholarship must:
- Declared major in any discipline within the College of Arts and Sciences
- Preferably a New Mexico resident.
- Graduated in the top 1/5 of his/her high school class or have above average academic record if already a student at UNM.
- Demonstrate financial need.
Fall, 2023-2024 Recipients

Jonah Molina
International Studies / Economics / Political Science
A scholarship divided among colleges of Arts & Sciences, Education and Fine Arts. It is awarded to full-time undergraduate students majoring in Education, Humanities, English, Music or Science.
General Notes:
Scholarship may be awarded to the same student in successive semesters for up to 4 years provided the recipient continues to meet the requirements.
- Declared major in one of the above areas of study.
- Student must have demonstrated academic achievement by maintaining a 3.4 or better GPA.
- Student must be a full-time undergraduate enrolled in the Humanities, English or Science.
Selection shall not be based on sex, race, religion, color, national origin or residence of the applicant.
Fall, 2023-2024 Recipients

Bethany Valdez
East Asian Studies / Linguistics
This award is for outstanding scholars in the humanities and social sciences.
GPA 3.0 or better.
The Scholarship is for Undergraduate Students in Science and the Arts, with emphasis in Music and performing arts.
General Notes:
no grade point requirements
The recipients of this scholarship must:
- Be enrolled as a full-time undergraduate in the UNM College of Arts & Sciences.
- Demonstrate financial need for scholarship assistance. Need shall be defined according to the guidelines established by the UNM Scholarship Office.
- Provide a personal statement.
Have combined interests and actively pursue education in both the sciences (specifically Chemistry, Environmental Science, or Earth Sciences) AND the Arts (specifically as a band member, a music minor or similar involvement in the creative or performing arts).
Need-based scholarship for New Mexico Residents.
The recipients of this scholarship must:
- Must be enrolled full time in the UNM College of Arts & Sciences.
- Demonstrate financial need for scholarship assistance.
- Need shall be defined according to the guidelines established by the UNM Scholarship Office. Must be a resident of the State of New Mexico
- Maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 or above.
Fall, 2023-2024 Recipients

Julian Angel
Chicana and Chicano Studies / Journalism / Psychology

Andrew Begay
Pre Languages, Foreign Languages Literatures / Anthropology

Julian Holman
Geography / American Sign Language
Need-based Scholarship for A&S majors.
General Notes:
Recipients should be willing to meet the donors of the scholarship as they will be introduced to them at time of award.
The recipients of this scholarship must:
- Must be enrolled full-time in the UNM College of Arts & Sciences.
- Demonstrate financial need for scholarship assistance. Need shall be defined according to the guidelines established by the UNM Scholarship Office.
- Must be a resident of New Mexico and ineligible for the NM Lottery Scholarship.
- Be an undergraduate above sophomore level.
- Provide a personal statement.
- GPA of 2.5 or above and making academic progress.
- This award may also be granted to a former student athlete who is no longer receiving an athletic scholarship because he/she has: 1. Exhausted eligibility but has not yet completed an undergraduate degree, 2. Family/personal reasons that preclude the ability to remain a student athlete.
Fall, 2023-2024 Recipients

Christopher DeWilde
Native American Studies / History

Adrienne Paternoster
Environment and Sustainability / Management

Audriana Sauceda
Speech & Hearing Sciences / Family & Child Studies

Savanna Vocke
Psychology / Health Education

Jimmy Woodfill
Psychology / Philosophy
A scholarship awarded to minority students majoring in Government, Social Studies, History, Economics, Sociology, Law or Religion.
- Study in Government, Social Studies, History, Economics, Sociology, Law, or Religion
- 3.0 GPA minimum
Fall, 2023-2024 Recipients

Hasti Patel
Biology / American Sign Language
Summer Scholarships
The summer scholarship process is now closed.