Arts & Sciences Teaching Excellence Award
Deadline: March 3, 2025
The Arts & Sciences Teaching Excellence Award honors A&S faculty, lecturers, adjunct instructors, and graduate teaching assistants who have made outstanding contributions to the College’s instructional mission.
Typically, one tenured/tenure track faculty member and one lecturer are each awarded a $1,000 increase to their base salary; one adjunct instructor and one teaching assistant are each awarded a stipend of $1,000.
To be eligible for this award, an individual must be one of the following:
- A full-time, tenured or tenure-track faculty member within an Arts & Sciences department
- A lecturer within an Arts & Sciences department or interdisciplinary program
- An adjunct instructor within an Arts & Sciences department or interdisciplinary program
- A graduate teaching assistant in an Arts & Sciences department or graduate-degree granting interdisciplinary program with sole responsibility for teaching one or more courses within that department or program
Previous winners are NOT excluded from additional nominations
Tenured/Tenure-Track Faculty will be evaluated on the basis of the quality and breadth of their instructional contributions. Preference will be given to those who have demonstrated instructional excellence at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, through a combination of classroom instruction, mentorship, research supervision, and curricular development.
Lecturers, Adjuncts, and Teaching Assistants will be evaluated primarily on the quality of their undergraduate teaching and contributions to their department’s instructional mission.
A college-level evaluation committee will select one award for each category.
Nomination Procedure
Each unit may nominate one tenured/tenure track faculty, one lecturer, one adjunct instructor, and one graduate student for this award. The chair or director should encourage all faculty members to be involved in evaluating and submitting nominations. A complete application--as a single PDF--must include the following:
- A letter of support (~1-2 pages) from the Department Chair or Program Director that highlights the teaching excellence of the nominee and explains how the nominee's teaching fits into the unit's curriculum
- A letter (~2-3 pages) from the nominee that explains their teaching philosophy and methods, and provides evidence of success in the classroom from student evaluations. Nominees might address the following:
- What are you trying to accomplish in your teaching?
- What methods and kinds of assignments do you use to accomplish your goals?
- How will you know if you have succeeded?
- How have you adopted a course over time based on student feedback?
- What scores and comments from your evaluations show your effectiveness?
- OPTIONAL: Up to five letters of support from students or colleagues who have evaluated the nominee's teaching
Previous A&S Teaching Excellence Award winners
2023-2024 Winners
- Adrian Johnston, Department of Philosophy
- Kani Aniegboka, Department of English
- Carlos Maestas-Olguin, Department of Psychology
- Lisa Myers, Department of English
2022-2023 Winners
- Michael Rocca, Department of Political Sciences
- Andres Hernandez, Department of Geography & Env. Studies
- Jessie Bonafede, Department of English
- Nicolas Schwartz, Department of English
2021-2022 Winners
- Cindy Gevarter, Department of Speech & Hearing Sciences
- Colin Olson, Department of Sociology
- Samuel Torres, Department of Sociology
2020-2021 Winners
- Elizabeth Korver-Glenn, Department of Sociology
- Jessica Rowland, Sustainability Studies Program
- Kalila Bohsali, Department of English
- Alexis MacLennan Kenney, Department of Sociology
2019-2020 Winners
- Naomi Shin, Department of Linguistics and Department of Spanish & Portuguese
- Dawn Nordquist, Department of Linguistics
- Marina Todeschini, Department of Spanish & Portuguese
2018-2019 Winners
- Reuben Thomas, Department of Sociology
- Andrea Mays, Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies Program
- Jillian Stafford, Department of Chemistry & Chemical Biology
2017-2018 Winners
- Emily McRae, Department of Philosophy
- Dawn Myers, Department of Linguistics
- Roses Rohrer, Department of Sociology
2016-2017 Winners
- Sharon Warner, Department of English
- Ana June, Department of English
- Jon Williams, Department of Sociology
2015-2016 Winners
- Rosa Vallejos Yopán, Department of Linguistics
- Carmen Holguin Chapparo, Department of Spanish & Portugues
- Aubrey Healy, Department of Linguistics
From AY1998-1999 to AY 2006-2007, the College awarded the Gunter Starkey Teaching Award. A list of those award recipients can be found here.