Weber Award for Teaching Excellence in Science or Math

Deadline:  March 3, 2025

The College of Arts and Sciences is proud to offer the annual William P. and Heather W. Weber Award for Teaching Excellence. This award honors Lecturers or Part-Time Instructors who exemplify excellence in undergraduate teaching in any science or math discipline within A&S. Funding is typically available for up to two instructors per year; awards may be up to $2,000.


To be eligible for the Weber Award, an individual must be a lecturer or part-time instructor within an Arts & Sciences department or graduate-degree granting interdisciplinary program. Nominees must have sole responsibility for teaching one or more courses in any science or math discipline within that department or program.


Nominees will be evaluated on the quality and breadth of their instructional contributions. Preference will be given to those clear evidence of instructional excellence and success, including through undergraduate teaching, mentorship, or curricular development. A college-level evaluation committee, chaired by the Associate Dean for Student Success, will select up to two awardees per year.

Nomination Procedure

Each unit may nominate two members. The chair or director should encourage all faculty members to be involved in choosing the nominees. A complete application--in a single PDF--must include the following:

  • A letter of support (~1-2 pages) from the Department Chair or Program Director that highlights the teaching excellence of the nominee and explains how the nominee's teaching fits into the unit's curriculum
  • A letter (~2-3 pages) from the nominee that explains their teaching philosophy and methods, and provides evidence of success in the classroom from student evaluations. Nominees might address the following:
    • What are you trying to accomplish in your teaching?
    • What methods and kinds of assignments do you use to accomplish your goals?
    • How will you know if you have succeeded?
    • How have you adopted a course over time based on student feedback?
    • What scores and comments from your evaluations show your effectiveness?
  • OPTIONAL: Up to five letters of support from students or colleagues who have evaluated the nominee's teaching.

All application materials should be combined into a single PDF and sent to Alice Hollow Horn at

2022-2023 Winners

  • Kathleen Sorensen, Department of Mathematics & Statistics
  • Khalid Ifzarene, Department of Mathematics & Statistics

2019-2020 Winners

  • Kimran Buckholz, Department of Biology
  • Nina Greenberg, Department of Mathematics & Statistics

2018-2019 Winners

  • Diana Habel-Rodriguez, Department of Chemistry & Chemical Biology
  • Patricia Oakley, Department of Mathematics & Statistics

2016-2017 Winner

  • Dorothy Scholl, Department of Biology

2015-2016 Winner

  • Cara Lea Council, Department of Biology

2014-2015 Winner

  • Satya Witt, Department of Biology

2013-2014 Winners

  • Kelly Howe, Department of Biology
  • Derek Martinez, Department of Mathematics & Statistics
  • Marieken Shayner, Department of Biology

2012-2013 Winner

  • Aurora Pun, Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences

2010-2011 Winner

  • Lisa Whalen, Department of Chemistry & Chemical Biology

2008-2009 Winner

  • Matthew Nyman, Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences

2007-2008 Winners

  • Victoria Kauffman, Department of Mathematics & Statistics
  • Boye M. Odom, Department of Physics & Astronomy